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“The 8 Dimensions to Achieve Optimal Wellness.”

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Past MasterClasses


Purpose: This Intensive 6 hours MasterClass is designed to do a deep dive into the 8 dimensions of wellness and areas of success. Speakers would challenge participants’ thinking, uncover the beliefs they hold onto that no longer serve them and provide strategic tools and techniques for participants to live the life God has designed for them and deserve.

Topics include: identifying and living a purpose-driven life, how to achieve financial and career success, overcoming limiting beliefs to build self-confidence and worthiness, manifesting what you want out of life and building the emotional intelligence needed to attract and foster healthy relationships in your personal and professional lives.

What Attendees Have to Say:

This event was very well organized and the facilitators brought a well-rounded perspective for each of the Masterclass sessions. I enjoyed each session.


I loved all of the masterclass! I learned how personality types need a certain way of relating, and by knowing where we are, we can know where other people are coming from and then improve relationships by meeting them where they are. I learned about money trauma and that money is a relationship that we must spend time connecting with and understanding our “money story”…
The masterclass helped me breakthrough to my own money trauma and money story…which is my current challenge as I breakout of generational scarcity poverty mindset and poor relationship with money, because “money doesn’t grow on trees” in my family’s money trauma and money story. Great job! I loved it! Many breakthroughs.


The masterclass was worth it because it will set the foundation of be free from our fears.


The personality assessment is highly engaging. I loved that session a lot.


I enjoyed Angela’s section on the personality types as it was interactive so helped with understanding of the topic.


All the sessions were amazing. I was energized after the session. I feel I am going to applied what I learned in what I do personally, professionally. I learned not to let anything step in the way of what I want to accomplish whether its outside or personal challenges. I enjoyed Personality profile, managing your finances and stepping into your power. With personality profile it helps you understand the people around you and why they behave the way they do. It helps build a healthy relationship. Managing finances help me set goals on what are my priority and non priority that I need to spend money on. Stepping into my power allow me to see where I am and what I want to change.


I was skeptical registering for the “Step into Your Power” masterclass because I felt like it was going to be a snorefest. I was wrong! From the beginning to the end, it was fun, educative and stimulating. Honestly, time went by so quickly. I picked some golden nuggets of wisdom which I have started to apply already! I can’t wait to join the event next year!


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