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Coaching and Consulting

I’m Here to Help You:

Build Self-Confidence
Find and Own Your Voice
Build a Strong Mindset
Negotiate Your Worth
Advance Your Career
Earn Multi-6 figure Salary!

Does any of this sound like you?

Are you are a smart ambitious professional yet stuck in your career?

Do you desire to advance your leadership care and earn multi-6 figure salary?

Do you feel invisible at work and have not entirely found your voice at the workplace? Thus, you hesitate to share your ideas out of fear of being dismissed, or maybe you are just tired of not getting credit for your work contributions?

Do you constantly get overlooked for promotional opportunities internally and externally?

Do you have advanced degrees, highly intelligent but you are not paid your worth?

Do you have a strong desire to lead but you are not confident in your leadership skills?

Do you want to have influence over others and command the room with your voice and presence?

Do you shrink when you have to present or interact with senior leaders?

Does the fear of public speaking prevent you from sharing your ideas in the workplace? And if you are an immigrant, does the nervousness further intensifies your accent making it hard for people to understand you?

Do you choke on your words when you need to share your ideas?

Have you lost confidence in your voice?

Are you afraid to negotiate better for yourself and fearful you’ll lose your job if you dare do so?

If you answered yes to any of these, then let’s chat!

What you’ll gain after working together

You will master how to communicate your value and demand high salary for any position you want.

You will finally be paid your worth and no longer shrink when it’s time for salary negotiations.

You will have total confidence in who you are, never lose faith in yourself, no more experience rejection from the jobs you want.

You will attract fulfilling roles that allow you to make real impact and develop others.

You will develop your executive presence to command the room so your ideas are received and respected.

You will have more freedom and time to spend with your family and take care of your wellness knowing money is not an object.


Our Mission

Is to inspire individuals overcome obstacles, find clarity and establish an action plan that will bring them professional and personal growth through meaningful conversations.

Our Values

Awareness & Growth, Authenticity & Connectedness, Integrity & Respect, and Positive Impact & Service.

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